How To Apply Lip Gloss Correctly!

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How To Apply Lip Gloss Correctly!

What are Lip Glosses? Lip gloss and lip shine come in tubes and tiny pots that are convenient to use and give a shimmer and shine to your lips that you have always wished for. These days, they are manufactured to last for long periods of time and can be water-resistant too.
Lip Gloss can be applied either over the lipstick or alone for a more natural and nude lip look. Lip-gloss helps to add more volume to your lips and make them look fuller and highlight them on the face. Thus, women with thick lips are generally advised to use it very sparingly. One can effectively make the lips look more beautiful with the help of a little lip gloss and other lip products and use it strategically for lip correction.
A light film of Chapstick over lips not only protects them and heal them but also helps the lip color to set more effectively. Now, not only are lip glosses easy to use, they serve a great purpose too, that is to keep your lips chap free.
Here are some great tips on how to apply your favorite lip gloss to achieve that lustrous, full volume pout!
Right Application of Lip Gloss
First thing first, apply your lip gloss on properly. Instead of putting a gloss on like you do lipstick (from left to right, top to bottom with a smack!), first apply gloss to the middle of your bottom lip only. Rub lips together. This will keep the glass from going on too thick and getting goopy on you.
I want to Use Lip Gloss Over Lipstick!
If you wish to give your current lipstick color a mood lift, it is a great idea to slide some yummy lip gloss over your applied lipstick. I love the look of just a bit of gloss over a neutral lipstick. Again, dab just a bit in the center of lips and smooth out from there. This method of smoothing out the lip gloss from the center will help you from applying too the lip gloss on too thickly.
Lip Gloss Too Sticky?
Did you accidentally apply a little too much gloss? No problem! There is a very simple solution to this. All you do is just smack your lips between tissue paper, just like you would lipstick! There you go, all is good to go again!
Lip gloss is as popular as ever! Always have been and always will be! So, what are you waiting for? Get today’s latest colors and try them all on!
Did you accidentally apply a little too much gloss? No problem! There is a very simple solution to this. All you do is just smack your lips between tissue paper, just like you would lipstick! There you go, all is good to go again! of lips and smooth out from there. This method of smoothing out the lip gloss from the center will help you from applying too the lip gloss on too thickly.
