Eye Makeup Advice
Eyes occupy the most prominent place among the five sensory organs of our body. Large and beautiful eyes enhance one's beauty manifold. Healthy eyes are directly related to general health. Use eye-make up very sparingly, for its excessive use damages the skin around eye. Also, remember never to use chemical eye-make-up-remover because it reacts adversely on the skin. Applying smoky eyes makeup can make you the most attractive and beautiful woman. It is a good choice for drawing attention, also.
A very important thing to take into account is the eye shadow color. Being very careful, smoky eyes are not so difficult to obtain. An advantage of this kind of makeup is that it fits any face type. Start applying the smoky eyes makeup, First, apply a perfect eyeliner and the base eye shadow over the upper lid, blending with a base brush. The next step is to apply a clean color over the eye, from eyelid to brow.
Eye makeup is the fun part of applying cosmetics. Some simple eye makeup tips. Use eye shadows that fit the character or to express mood. Apply the lightest shade you have over the entire eyelid and the medium shade on the lower eyelid. It's time to apply dark colors for creating depth. Best place for doing that is the outer corner. Next, apply a little eyeliner, from the center of the eye to the corners. Finally, apply mascara. For dark eyes, black or dark brown is recommended. A dark brown eye shadow should be applied from the lid to crease, for a better effect. In the final, apply two layers of black mascara and work a little on your eyebrows for a strong smoky eyes makeup.
Various Types of Eye Makeup
Small eyes-Use a light shade of powder for the center of the lid and a darker shade in the outer edge.
Almond-shaped eyes Use a light shade of powder from your lashes to the brow, a medium shade on your lid, and a darker shade on the outer third of your eyelid.
Round eyes-Use light colored shadow over the entire lid and a darker shade in the crease. Apply eyeliner on both the top and bottom lids, and use mascara on the upper outer lashes.
Wide-set eyes-Use a darker shade in the inner corner, blending up and out. Concentrate eyeliner and mascara on the inner corner of the eye.
Close-set eyes-Use one color, varying from a light to darker shade. Start with the lightest shade one-third away from the inner corner of your eye, blending darker shades up and out. Use eyeliner on the outer half of your eye.
Deep-set eyes-Use eyeliner on both the upper and lower lids, remembering to smudge and soften the line.
A very important thing to take into account is the eye shadow color. Being very careful, smoky eyes are not so difficult to obtain. An advantage of this kind of makeup is that it fits any face type. Start applying the smoky eyes makeup, First, apply a perfect eyeliner and the base eye shadow over the upper lid, blending with a base brush. The next step is to apply a clean color over the eye, from eyelid to brow.
Eye makeup is the fun part of applying cosmetics. Some simple eye makeup tips. Use eye shadows that fit the character or to express mood. Apply the lightest shade you have over the entire eyelid and the medium shade on the lower eyelid. It's time to apply dark colors for creating depth. Best place for doing that is the outer corner. Next, apply a little eyeliner, from the center of the eye to the corners. Finally, apply mascara. For dark eyes, black or dark brown is recommended. A dark brown eye shadow should be applied from the lid to crease, for a better effect. In the final, apply two layers of black mascara and work a little on your eyebrows for a strong smoky eyes makeup.
Various Types of Eye Makeup
Small eyes-Use a light shade of powder for the center of the lid and a darker shade in the outer edge.
Almond-shaped eyes Use a light shade of powder from your lashes to the brow, a medium shade on your lid, and a darker shade on the outer third of your eyelid.
Round eyes-Use light colored shadow over the entire lid and a darker shade in the crease. Apply eyeliner on both the top and bottom lids, and use mascara on the upper outer lashes.
Wide-set eyes-Use a darker shade in the inner corner, blending up and out. Concentrate eyeliner and mascara on the inner corner of the eye.
Close-set eyes-Use one color, varying from a light to darker shade. Start with the lightest shade one-third away from the inner corner of your eye, blending darker shades up and out. Use eyeliner on the outer half of your eye.
Deep-set eyes-Use eyeliner on both the upper and lower lids, remembering to smudge and soften the line.